Although, buying a business seems a simple process in the first place, once the decision is taken, things go far beyond expectations sometimes and you have to choose carefully and gradually follow a few steps.
Basically, the process of buying a business is conducted as a series of stages.First, the business acquisition objectives have to be defined, according to which will be oriented the whole process of search and evaluation. In this respect, the objectives must be clearly defined and achievable. Second, the targeted market has to be studied thoroughly.
The entrepreneur must evaluate the evolution of the supply and demand on the segment of the market he would like to invest. Third, offers may be many, just convince yourself by accessing .The thing you need to do is to evaluate them .
In analyzing the information provided by the potential seller, the entrepreneur must consider the reasons why the company is offered for sale. For this,checking several sources of information, is mandatory: customers, competitors, suppliers, employees, investors, financial and banking institutions.
Selling motivation can have several reasons: retirement, health problems, desire for major changes in life, misunderstandings between business partners, issues of inheritance (frequently invoked reasons); pressure and misunderstandings in the family, market reduction tendency, better opportunities for the seller, negative results that the seller fails to control (less pleaded); aggressive competition, difficult relationships with suppliers, complaints from employees or departure of key employees, not achieving the maximum performance, obsolete products, potential legal problems at a large scale, winding up (reasons rarely invoked).
To the extent that identifying the real reasons for sale do not bring up information to transform the planned acquisition into a trap, the entrepreneur must conduct a review of the existing financial statements. In this phase, working with accountants can help identify any attempts to forced improvement of the situation (growing the physical volume of sales and revenue or cost reduction).
Further, the entrepreneur must evaluate the physical assets that form the targeted heritage. It is essential to assess machinery and equipment, inventory, office equipment. Information about running operations and maintenance cost are to be obtained.
The legal situation of the business should also be clarified. Given the importance and complexity of problems of this nature, it is necessary the presence of experts in the field. They will have to ascertain whether the business in question is in litigation regarding ownership, customers, suppliers etc. The contracts in progress (rents, concessions, leasing, acquisitions, sales) are to be analized. Also the perspectives of the branch have to be prospected in terms of possible future legal restrictions, requirements for environmental protection.
To the extent that business still proves interesting, it is necessary to determine the estimated value of the business, which will be the basis for negotiating its purchase. From the point of view of the seller, the price must be high enough to cover the effort until the sale and value of current assets.
For the buyer, the deal is essentially a heritage he will reorganize and develop it according to his own vision.Consequently the fourth step is developing the offer, taking into account the particular requirements of any vendor. Finally, the last step, is negociating the purchase itself.