To be a good web designer, you have to have a good foundation of knowledge. Skills are improved by experience. If you do not have a good foundation, your skill set will be unreliable. This article talks about some basic things that all web designers should be familiar with in order to do a good job.
A web designer not only has to know good design, but he needs to understand how some of the back end operations work. Take domain management, for instance. Domain names have to be unique. They have to be registered at the appropriate domain registrar.
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They must be renewed in a timely manner or you risk losing your claim on the domain name. As a web designer, you have to keep track of these things. If you let a domain expire, the website is not accessible anymore.
Your basic skill set should include HTML. This is the coding language on which all websites are based. There are various versions of it, like XHTML, HTML 5, etc. But the basic coding does not change much.
Although many web authoring tools claim that you can build a website without knowing much about HTML, you will not have much flexibility in design because you will be stuck with a template that you do not know how to customize.
Learn HTML and build your skills. The more proficient you get, the more design power you have. Even if you are using a template-based system to build websites, knowing how to manipulate the source code will get you a long way.
CSS is another set of codes that you should learn. CSS stands for cascading style sheets. This set of codes control the styling of your website, like controlling the colors, font size, page layout, etc. Just like HTML, the more you know this, the more flexibility you have in website customization. Know your HTML and CSS well, and you can design a website to look exactly you want it to look.
Hardly anyone hand-codes their websites anymore because there are web authoring tools that help with that. One of them is Dreamweaver. This is powerful tool that allows you to build a web page by dragging and dropping elements.
There is the option to see the source code and code within that as well. So, you have the option to use it graphically or by source code, depending on your comfort level. Dreamweaver can cut your coding time by allowing you to save libraries and snippets of code that you can reuse. Learn its features, and you can build your websites with efficiency.
Make sure that you check your website across all browsers and platforms. Your website can be rendered with slight differences depending on the browser you are using. This includes mobile browsers as well. If your website is scalable, make sure that it displays properly on mobile devices. Otherwise, you will need to create a separate, mobile version of your website.
If you are skilled in these areas, your web design foundation will be solid. You can build upon this and become the expert web designer that you want to be.